This is day 28 of 32. Throughout April, we will be posting daily. We invite you to learn about Chinese Muslims and pray with us for God’s glory to be made known among them. If you would like to read other posts in this series, you can find them here or download the prayer guide here.

Abraham is a Muslim-background believer (MBB) from an average Muslim family in China. He allowed us to interview him recently and share his story. He desires for people to understand more about Chinese Muslims and to pray intentionally and passionately for them. His real name and location are removed to protect his identity. This is part 6 of 7.

Share how you desire to worship with other MBBs.

If I go to a Han Bible study or church, I do not feel at home. One time I went to a big church. There was a big picture of Jesus. I thought they were worshiping an idol because when we (Muslims) were taught to pray we were told to never worship when there is an image around. It stopped me from going to the church.

bowing in prayerNot until three years ago did I stop having those feelings. I met a group of MBBs. They worshiped in their own language and had their own Scripture to read. When I went inside the big room, it was just like a mosque – no chairs, no desks. They sat around on the floor and worshiped by kneeling down and praying. They sang songs and had their own musical instruments. It was just like their culture. No animal pictures or pictures of people. I didn’t understand all of what they were saying, but when they read their Scripture I thought, “When can we do this? When can believers in my people group sit together, young and old, and worship together in our language and follow our cultural customs?” It was one of the best feelings I have ever had when worshiping with others.

As we were standing and praying together, my whole body collapsed and I fell down on the ground in front of all those people and yelled like a crazy man. Tears streamed down my face. I cried too much to speak any words. It is very hard to describe that feeling. You feel like you left your parents for many years. You dream of coming home but never make it. But, one day you come home, and they are waiting at the door. I hope that can happen again!

Prayer Requests:

  • Please pray that more and more Chinese Muslims will come to faith and that they will quickly form contextual Hui, Salar and Dongxiang churches.
  • Pray for Abraham that God will use him to lead other Muslims to faith. Pray that he will be able to start a MBB church soon.
  • Pray that Han churches will help and encourage MBB believers to form contextual churches.

Most Chinese MBBs are isolated. They live in villages or cities in which they are the only known MBB or MBB from their specific people group. They yearn for the day when they will be able to gather with others from their people group and worship Jesus in a way that is culturally appropriate for them. Most who go to church attend a Han church. There is nothing wrong with that, but it is not home for them. They are not able to express themselves in worship in the same way they could in a Hui, Salar or Dongxiang church.

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