Pillar 3 in the Month of Ramadan

“…It is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35 ESV) Zakat means to give Alms. Muslims are commanded to give one-fortieth (2.5%) of their income. Alms giving has come to mean an obligatory “religious tax”. It is neither a charity nor a...

Day 9 – Villagers

Covid-19 has altered life around the world. There is the possibility of sickness, but there is also the reality of economic stress. We are all feeling it, but some around the world are feeling it more than others. Many Chinese Muslims have fled the countryside in recent years for opportunities in larger cities. Countless others still remain in villages to tend sheep, plant crops, rear children and take care of the elderly.

Day 2 – Husbands and Fathers

He’s a nominal Muslim, and he’s most definitely not a typical Chinese Muslim man. But one thing is still typical, the religion he was born into is the religion he says he’ll adhere to when he’s older.

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