Part of the Engage the Hui series.

As a church puts together an advocacy team focused on engaging the Hui, it’s important for that team to research and learn as much as they can about the Hui and the work already being done among them. To help teams, we will host Hui summits. These summits will be 2-3 days and cover a variety of topics:

  • Hui culture and history
  • Introduction to Islam
  • Intentional prayer
  • Evangelism training
  • Discipleship
  • Church planting
  • Effective ways to use short-term teams
  • Preparing short-term teams
  • Partnering with field and national workers
  • Security
  • Partnership covenant between field workers and church partners

The goal is for field workers and church advocacy teams to dialogue about the above topics, so they can then educate their faith family to engage the Hui.

It will be important that advocacy teams not only attend a Hui summit but also go on a vision trip and visit several possible population segments that can be adopted. Ideally, the team would attend a summit first; however, it is possible to combine a summit and vision trip if a team is able to visit the field for a minimum of 10 days.

We plan to begin offering Hui summits this fall. If you have multiple churches who are interested in attending a summit, we probably can come to you. However, if you are a single church, we may need you to come to a central location so that several advocacy teams can discuss engaging the Hui together.

Our desire is to help churches of all sizes engage the Hui with an intentional plan that utilizes each faith family’s specific skills and gifts. Please contact us if you want to learn more about how your faith family can find an unengaged, unreached population segment among the Hui.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for God to raise up many churches to engage unengaged, unreached population segments among the Hui.
  • Pray that churches will work together to engage the Hui.

Recommended Reading


Written by Dirk Dubose (pseudonym). Dirk Dubose and his family live among the Hui where they seek to shine for Jesus. 

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