This is day 5 of 32. Throughout April, we will be posting daily. We invite you to learn about Chinese Muslims and pray with us for God’s glory to be made known among them. If you would like to read other posts in this series, you can find them here or download the prayer guide here.

Village Hut - SW

The family sat on the heated kang in a simple village home, sipping hot tea and nibbling bread as they talked to their two visitors. They talked about the weather, their work of raising livestock, and the problems of educating their children in the village without a school. The conversation turned when the Qur’anic verses, written in exquisite Arabic calligraphy on the walls, caught the visitors’ attention.

“These verses protect us from evil spirits and demons,” the man told the visitors. “Only last week a woman in our village was possessed by an evil spirit. When she spoke, it was not her voice, but the voice of the demon speaking through her. Our Imam came and recited the Qur’an in Arabic. He read into a cup of water, then gave the cup to her to drink. He also wrote some passages from the Qur’an onto a piece of paper, rolled it up into the shape of a cigarette, and told the woman to smoke it so that the words of Allah inhaled into her body would fight off the demon.”

The visitors listened attentively to the man’s story, then asked, “Do you know about Jesus the Messiah? He has authority and victory over all powers of evil.” Now sharing their own stories from the Injil (Gospels), they talked about Jesus dispelling demons and setting people free.

Silence hung in the room as the listeners pondered the stories they had just heard.

Prayer Requests:

  • Pray that as Chinese Muslims hear the Gospel, they will understand its power and turn and follow Jesus.
  • Pray that God will display His power over evil among Chinese Muslims and open their eyes to the truth that Jesus is their Savior and Lord.

Did you know? The Hui are some of the most hospitable people you will ever meet. Some of this comes from just being Chinese, and the rest of it comes from just being Hui. Either way – you never want to visit the Hui on a full stomach! Many of the Hui own restaurants. You can find them in cities all over China, and they serve some of the best food imaginable. As you walk down the street, you can often recognize the men by their prayer caps and the women by their head scarves. Hui with other Hui are like family. Even if they are strangers, you would never know.

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