
During the last two years as many have been praying, we know God is calling some churches, families and individuals to take another step and go. Going looks different for every person and church, but we can provide some information that will be helpful for everyone regardless of whether you are planning to move your family overseas or take a 10 day prayer walking trip among the Hui.

If God is leading you to engage the Hui with the Gospel you do not need to try to do it alone. Many living among the Hui are available and willing to help. Resources have already been created that we are happy to share. For those of us living among the Hui, one of our prayer requests is for more workers and more churches to help us engage the Hui with the Gospel in more population segments because the Hui are such a large unreached people group (15 million) who live in thousands of different cities around the world.


The Hui are spread across the largest country in the world by population and third largest by land mass. Statistics state that Hui are found in almost every county in China. According to 2000 census numbers, there are 51 counties or cities in China with more than 25,000 Hui residents. There are 11 counties or cities with more than 100,000 Hui residents. There are also 20 provinces in China with more than 100,000 Hui. Those numbers have likely grown since the year 2000, and we have not even begun to discuss the other countries where Hui currently live and work.

As we live among the Hui and consider how to engage the Hui with the Gospel in multiple population segments, we realize that we need the help of many churches. We are seeking churches who are willing to adopt a population segment of the Hui (rural area, town, city, or county) and begin engaging the Hui in that specific place with the Gospel.

It is not a complicated process to go from praying for the Hui to engaging the Hui. It can be broken down into five basic steps:

  1. Pray for the Hui as a Church
  2. Attend a Hui Summit
  3. Go on a Vision Trip
  4. Adopt a Hui Unengaged Population Segment
  5. Begin Engaging the Hui in Adopted Area

To help you pray through the possibility of adopting a specific population segment to engage, the resources below will explain what it will look like for your church to walk through the five steps above and partner with field workers to engage unengaged, unreached Hui population segments with the Gospel.

If you think of other topics and issues that you want us to address, please contact us. We will try to address all the important issues that can be addressed clearly without compromising the security of ongoing or future work among the Hui.

Engage the Hui: What You Can Really Do!

If you live in America and want to be more actively, physically involved in work overseas, you might wonder how much you can really do when you’re continents away from the Hui.

My family’s life here is a living, breathing, walking, talking testimony to what you can REALLY do and how it REALLY makes a difference in how we serve in our community.

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Engage the Hui: Starting with Prayer

We are absolutely dependent on God to accomplish His mission among the Hui. Without the power of the Holy Spirit, there is no need for us to live among the Hui or spend time traveling among them on a short-term trip. Our money, time, influence, skills and charisma do not turn Hui people to Jesus; it only happens through the work of the Holy Spirit.

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Go and Love

“We need people to go and love these people.” Those were the words that got me to China after a long time of saying no. I had been asked repeatedly by a friend to come to China to share Jesus. My reasons for not going were valid in my mind…I don’t speak the language, I can’t stand Chinese food and how could God use me anyway? Sitting in a room watching the faces of the Hui appear and disappear in a power point presentation changed my life. No one said, “Come save them.” No one said, “Come learn the language and love everything about their culture (including the food).” They simply said, “We need people to go love these people.” That was easy…because Jesus loves them therefore I do too. So I said yes.

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He Brings the Rain – Short-term Teams Bring Encouragement

My home among the Hui is on the edge of the Gobi Desert, the largest desert in Asia with an area of 500,000 square meters. The weather is dry, and it rarely rains or snows. I come from a place in America that has a very similar climate so it was not a hard adjustment adapting to the physical environment. However most recently I lived in the Pacific Northwest where rain is much more common. Sometimes my spirit seems to match the environment in its dryness, and I long for rain to quench my thirst spiritually.

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Prayer – Opening Doors for the Gospel

When my family and I moved to East Asia, one of the biggest prayers that we prayed was to ask God to give us a family that we could share life with and that we would be able to share the gospel deeply in this relationship. In the past six months we have seen God open this door and we have been able to declare Jesus to this family. I first met this family eating at a local restaurant.

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Prayer Requests


  • Please pray for God to raise up churches around the world who will intentionally pray for the Hui and engage the Hui with the Gospel.
  • Please pray asking if God is calling you or your faith family to adopt an unengaged Hui population segment and begin proclaiming the Gospel in that location.
  • Please pray that during the next 3 years every unengaged population segment (city, county or province) with over 100,000 Hui residents will be adopted and Gospel proclamation will begin.
  • Please pray for unity among field workers and church partners. May we all work closely together to shine brightly for Jesus among the Hui.

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