Do You Know Me?

This is day 3 of 32. Throughout April, we will be posting daily. We invite you to learn about Chinese Muslims and pray with us for God’s glory to be made known among them. If you would like to read other posts in this series, you can find them here or download the...


And he told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose heart. (Luke 18:1 ESV) The workers knew this Hui man was ready to trust in Jesus Christ and their hearts rejoiced! He had lapped up the truth as they had read and discussed the Bible...

I Believe Now

Growing up in a Hui family can be challenging at times… especially for an inquisitive, adventurous girl like me. I’m sure my parents were forever tired of hearing me ask why? Why could I not go to my non-Muslim friend’s house for dinner? Why did my mom have to wear a...

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