It was a pilgrimage experience with many local Muslims. Early that morning, I joined this group from various places to reach the 3000m high place. From the foot of the mountain, I looked up, in the far distance, was a small square-box size of temple grave hung right up by the mountain cliff. The Muslims believe a legend that that was the spot where a mysterious old man from Iraq who did miracles appeared long time ago.

That day was a sunny and breezy day. Despite the danger of the cliff’s steepness, hundreds of Muslims, including elderly women, sick people, parents with small babies, etc. went on their pilgrimage to pray up there for miracle! They burnt incense, recited the Shahada, donated money as I carefully held tight to the rope and followed the steep tract climbing up. It was a 3-hour “pilgrimage” experience.

On the top there was a “trial,” everyone needs to be tested. There is a very small streak of a seam between the two giant rocks where everyone needs to walk through. If you get passed, it means your deeds are well accepted by Allah. Many got stuck and cried out … they wept sadly … I passed and stood up there looking at the Yellow River far off and the words of God came to me: “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshippers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in Truth, for they are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and His worshippers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” His Spirit and truth liberate me that I could come close to him anytime, anywhere and anyhow. Pray that our beloved cousins will one day understand the truth that liberates them from the time-space bondage in prayers and worship……

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