I am a university student. My days are filled with classes and tutoring other students. Every activity that I am involved in plays a part in shaping my future. I want to be successful.

I came to college a year ago. I am studying psychology, but I hope to change my major to English soon, so I can become a translator. My dream is to be a translator in a big city, but my parents don’t want me to go anywhere else. They didn’t even want me to come here to study.

I understand why though. I am from a small village, and my family is very set in their ways. My parents have worked very hard to provide for me and my brother. Life in my hometown is very difficult, and it is very different from here at school. In my hometown, many people are Hui, just like my family. At college there are other religions.

I have started hearing about this man named Jesus who died for me. I have even spent some time studying the Holy Bible. I have heard the news of Jesus many times. I am very interested, but I am Hui.  To be Hui is to be Muslim, and to abandon Islam would mean that I would abandon my family’s religion.

If I choose to believe will they love me anymore? Will they abandon me?

Prayer Requests

  • Pray that Mei Mei would realize that following Jesus is worth it. Pray that she and others like her, would long to know the truth of the Gospel in a place where it is not prevalent.
  • Pray that as students move to bigger cities for college, that they would hear the Gospel! Pray that believers on campus would be bold to share.
  • Pray that Mei Mei’s family and those in the village would hear the Gospel. Pray that seeds would be planted, and they would turn from Islam and turn to the one true God!
  • Pray that Mei Mei would have a desire to study the Bible again. Pray that she would recall the stories that she has read before, and that she would long to learn more.
  • Praise God for how He is working in the lives of the Hui! Praise him for how He is revealing himself to people each day!


The picture is not of the storyteller in order to protect the identities of those who have shared their stories and lives with us over the years.

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