Suliman has had health issues for many years.  Wintertime is the hardest for him since the family lives in one room heated by a coal stove.  Many nights he will cough most of the night.  He went to the doctor once and was told he had TB.  He took the very expensive medicine but still has problems with coughing.  Some believers visited with their family.  They prayed for Suliman to get better. They helped the family find other medicine that could help his breathing and cough.  They told the family stories from the Bible.

Suliman’s wife wants to hear more Bible stories.  She is quick to tell friends how her husband coughed less after the believers prayed for him.  Suliman, however, doesn’t want to want to hear more and discourages his family from listening.


  • Pray for Suliman that his heart would be softened.
  • Ask that the entire family would choose to follow Jesus.
  • Pray for continued open doors for believers to share scripture with those they serve in the medical community.
  • Pray for those with illness, that their discomfort would cause them to turn to Jesus.


**All names have been changed and the picture is not of the storyteller in order to protect the identities of those who have shared their stories and lives with us over the years.

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