Most of the time Musa enjoys his status as the only son.  His older sisters have always had to give in to him whether that was toys or school supplies or the best piece of chicken.  His parents were most attentive to his needs or complaints.  He realized his parents eyes sparkled with pride when he was around, especially when his dad took him to the mosque.

Now that he is in school,  he understands that his family expects him to study hard and make top grades.  Even at the age of 10, they remind him that he is their hope for the future…to finish high school and get a good job to support all of them.  His parents don’t talk about it but someday he will take care of them.

Life gets more difficult each year.  While he still gets to eat lunch during Ramadan,  his dad encourages him to be like the rest of the family and not eat or drink during the day when he is not at school.  His dad gives him special attention but now is giving more and more instruction on what a good Muslim should do. The weight on Musa’s shoulders seems to increase each year.


  • Pray for Musa and other young boys that they would search for God and find peace and rest in Him.
  • Pray for believers who can invest in the lives of young Muslims and point them and their families to Jesus.


**All names have been changed and the picture is not of the storyteller in order to protect the identities of those who have shared their stories and lives with us over the years.

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