“Move closer together!” the worker instructed.  She wanted to get a photo of her friend’s entire family. The children happily gathered around the mom but the mom and dad made no move closer to each other. Intrigued, the worker asked her friend why she didn’t want to stand close to her husband. Unfortunately, in the Muslim community very rarely is there the romantic interaction that Westerners expect of couples.  Marriage is to produce children and provide a cook and caregiver for the husband’s parents. Domestic violence and co-habitation are more common in these families than healthy marriages.


  • Pray for Muslim families to see heathy, Christ -centered marriages among believers that will stimulate conversations.
  • Pray for Muslim Background Believers to have marriages that reflect Christ’s love for the church and the church’s submission to Him.


*All names have been changed and the picture is not of the storyteller in order to protect the identities of those who have shared their stories and lives with us over the years.

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