Yun is just a normal little girl. She just turned 5 years old and loves to be silly.  Yun takes ballet classes on the weekends with her friends and always brings extra candy to her classmates. However, during ballet class, Yun is often yawning and lethargic.

Yun’s mom explains that her daughter also takes English classes on the weekends and will soon begin art and piano classes as well. While she understands that letting her daughter rest is good for her body, she also feels the pressure to give Yun every possible opportunity for success. She expresses her deep desire for Yun to get into the best schools and thus one day get a good job.

Yun is also Hui, but because of her busy extracurricular schedule, her parents do not focus much on teaching her the tenants of Islam. She knows she is a Muslim because she celebrates Islamic holidays with her family and cannot eat certain foods since they are not halal. Her mom does not cover her head, and her dad rarely goes to the mosque. Yun just knows she is expected to work hard and obey.


  • Pray for children like Yun who live under the constant pressure to succeed.
  • Pray for Hui children in urban areas who grow up in the in-between—Muslim by birth but removed from religion.
  • Pray that these families will learn to put their trust in Jesus rather than worldly success.


**All names have been changed and the picture is not of the storyteller in order to protect the identities of those who have shared their stories and lives with us over the years.

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