“I need to talk to you; will you be there tomorrow?” My friend’s text was (typically for life here) rather cryptic.  Talk about what? Be where? At least I knew the time frame!

At a meeting the next day he pulled me aside.  He has been discipling a Muslim Background Believer (MBB) for over a year and is concerned that this young man needs encouragement.  Like a lot of MBBs, he came to faith and then never really connected with others.  He thought he was unique, that there were no other Hui believers in the country, much less in town. Afraid to tell his family about his beliefs and unable to connect with other believers my friend had found him withering on the vine.

After about a year of regular meeting, my friend felt he was growing in Christ.  He was learning who he is now as he dealt with the real True God and how being his child changes everything.  My friend’s biggest concern was this young man’s isolation – still no believing contacts, no connection with other MBBs, etc.

It just so happens (isn’t it interesting how often we encounter such things in Kingdom work) that a small group of MBBs had recently started meeting in our town for mutual encouragement, study and growth. Though my friend had no way of knowing that, he felt he needed to ask me for help to get this guy connected.  A couple of us met with the young man, heard his story of conversion, trying to find a group, trying to fit into a local, non-Muslim background group and then isolation. After a couple hours of discussion, we decided to introduce him to the other local MBBs and see where things go.

Pray for MBBs, ask for safety, encouragement and time to grow.  Ask the Father to bring these people together organically to allow for mutual growth and encouragement.

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