Ramadan = To fast (Sawm). In commemoration of Muhammad’s receiving the Qur’an during the ninth lunar month of Ramadan, Muslims are expected to fast during Ramadan. The holy month of Ramadan with its fasting and prayer is an essential part of the pillars of Islam and should lead to a time of spiritual reflection and guidance. During the fast they must abstain from eating, drinking, smoking, and sexual relations. After sundown, Muslims are allowed to partake of all these things again until sunrise.

Ramadan’s 30 days of reflection and guidance causes most Muslims across the world to turn their heart and eyes to thinking about spiritual things. We pray for Muslims during these days that their search for spiritual truth would lead them toward the gospel of Jesus Christ and the hope that can be found in Him through his death on the cross and defeat of death through his resurrection three days later.

Join us in intentional prayer for Muslims across the world, but especially the Muslims of East Asia, from April 13th to May 12th 2021. As we highlight different areas of East Asia and the Muslims that live there, pray with us that hearts would be open to hearing the gospel, repenting of sins, and turning their lives toward living for Jesus.

Prayer Requests:

  • During Ramadan and this time of spiritual reflection, pray the Hui will have their hearts and minds opened to receive the Truth.
  • Pray many Hui will receive the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ during this year.


May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us, that your way may be known on earth, your saving power among all nations.  Psalm 67:1-2

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