Ramadan: Fasting while Pregnant

by May 29, 2018Culture, Hui, Religion, Women0 comments

woman's backThe bus is full, but I squeeze through the crowd slowly inching my way towards the back of the bus. As I get close to the back, I see a seat on the last row. Since my journey is a long one, I make my way for the seat and sit down. I notice a pretty young woman sitting next to me with her purse resting on top of her legs. Her clothing is beautiful and full of bright colors while her head is covered with a beautiful bright pink scarf. She is beautiful and young looking.

I break the silence by saying hello. She replies with a friendly hello. As we begin with the usual introductions, I confirm that she is Muslim. She begins sharing that she is having a hard time observing the fast for Ramadan. I ask why and learn she is newly married and recently found out that she is pregnant. At only about eight weeks pregnant, she is struggling with nausea and morning sickness. Yet, she still is fasting during the daylight hours (about 17 hours a day this year). I am shocked she is pregnant and fasting. I remember how hard the first trimester of pregnancy can be with nausea and sickness. As I sit next to her, I wonder if there are exceptions for pregnancy like there are for menstrual flow in young women. I am currently on my way to meet a young Hui friend who is not fasting today because of this very reason. She shares that even though family members discouraged her from fasting during this time, she felt that if she didn’t fast she was not being obedient to the teaching of Islam. She is trying to be a good Muslim and be obedient to the faith even though every day is quite miserable.

It is always interesting meeting new people. Some ladies are like the one I just met on the bus and are extremely devoted to Islam. Others take advantage of opportunities presented to them and do not fast for various good reasons. Then there are even others who do not understand Islam and what is required. Last week I reconnected with a Hui student who was not fasting and who said she did not know about Ramadan. Everyone is unique with their own beliefs and ideas about what it means to be Hui and to be Muslim.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray God will give followers of Jesus many opportunities to share the Gospel with Hui people in public places like buses, parks and shops.
  • Pray believers will be intentional and ask questions to the Hui people they meet and spend time getting to know and love them.
  • Pray God will open the eyes of many Hui to see the truth and turn and follow Jesus.

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