“We are all scared, especially the women”

by Jun 29, 2015Culture, Hui, People Profiles, Religion, Women0 comments

“We are all scared, especially the women.” These were the words of my Hui friend concerning the coming judgment as I sat in her restaurant chatting during the rest hours of the day. This, among several other remarks, show how her culture’s application of Islam is overwhelmingly oppressive concerning women.

I was explaining the difference between Islam and Christianity, how Muslims obey because God has yet to accept them, how they fear his wrath. I taught her how we obey because, in grace, God has already accepted us and that we obey out of love and sincere trust in our loving father. We obey not to earn his favor but out of celebration that it has been given to us freely. I asked my friend if this were true, if Muslims really obey God out of fear. “Certainly,” she replied. She explained that the women have to do much more than the men to be accepted by God. She admitted the lack of assurance in her faith was frightening to her. She described all of the law which they have to keep as a burden too heavy to bear.

I gladly told her that our Lord bears our burdens for us, that we have been forgiven, and that we love to obey our God. Another time I was sharing a Bible story and afterwards asked some simple follow-up questions, the kind any child would feel confident answering. Instead of speaking up and answering herself, she pointed at her friend and said, “He is a man, so maybe he can understand.”

Most Hui women I’ve met feel they aren’t intelligent enough to understand anything concerning religion, which unfortunately includes the Gospel. So I tell them Bible stories in simple, easy to understand language. When they protest and claim ignorance, I try to reinforce that I think they are smart and can understand it. When they finally do work up the courage to answer a question, I make it a point to praise their answers if they are correct. Our friend is now excited when, after carefully listening to the story, she is able to comprehend and answer our questions.

I want these Muslim women to hear and understand the gospel and not be turned off because they think they can’t understand. I want them to see that our God cares for both men and women and loves them equally.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for us as we love these women and show them they really can understand the Gospel.
  • Praise God that we have a woman friend who loves to hear and engage our Bible stories!
  • Pray for our language abilities to improve so that we can potently illustrate our Savior’s love for women.


Written by JordanĀ (pseudonym). JordanĀ lives among the Hui where she intentionally loves and talks about Jesus with everyone around her.



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